2020 Update
I think I speak for everyone when I say 2020 has been difficult. My 2020 saw a second hiatus of sorts as I was diagnosed with stomach cancer on January 2nd. Much of my year was taken up with surgery, set backs, treatment, and recovery. But I'm doing well now and some of my fish made it through that process with me. I also recently set up more tanks, attended the October WAKO meeting, visited Gary Greenwood, and this past week visited Jeff Michels of Aquatic Clarity to get more fish. (yes, masks and social distancing were observed!) Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red did pretty well through the year, they even spawned for me but I wasn't in any shape to pull the fry and raise them up. The male recently died and I picked up another pair. The trio is already getting along great and I really like the Paracheirodon simulans with them. I'm happy with the tank setup as well and hopefully they'll spawn very soon. Getting some more dwarf cichlids was a priority for me, both ...