fishroom happenings

It's been quite awhile since I've updated this.  I've been busy with a number of projects, and not much exciting has happened in the fishroom.

I've gotten another batch of emperor tetra fry, this one much bigger than the last.  The last batch resulted in 6 fry which are growing up well.  This batch looks like dozens.

Melanotaenia praecox is spawning prolificly in their new tank that they have to themselves.  Dozens of fry are growing up with the parents.

2 nothobranchius hatches:
boklundi Luangwa Valley ZAM 09-2 hatched last night
sp. Mabangwe TZ 2008-14 hatched 3 weeks ago

My angels are starting to spar and form loose pairs.  I will isolate a pair or two for spawning soon.

I acquired a pair of Crenicichla regani Tapajos this week from Jeff Michaels.  They're happily adjusting to their 20 gal and feeding well on bloodworms, BBs, redworms and flake.  Jeff recently got in some nice fish, hard to decide what to spend money on!  Check out for the list.


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